Nudibranchs may look beautiful and delicate, but these sea slugs have some of the ocean's best defenses, making them worthy adversaries against would-be predators.
Smartphones and compact cameras are great, but if you really want to elevate your underwater photo game, you need the right equipment—here's how to know if you're ready to level up.
Even with the best equipment money can buy, you still need to understand basic composition to fin away with a standout shot. Master these basics, and you'll be on the path to pro.
Bright colors, large eyes and pouty mouths make sweetlips particularly photogenic fish. Learn these tricks to help guarantee picture-perfect results every time.
Utilizing slow shutter speeds is an easy way to create a feeling of movement in your underwater images. Brent Durand walks us through the technique in this video tutorial.
Mastering exposure is a fundamental skill in underwater photography and video. It’s essential to capture correct exposure in-camera as you’re creating each image.