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Bahamas Travel Information

The following is courtesy and copyright Stuart Cove's Dive Bahamas.

Digital Still Photography: 10 Tips

Getting into underwater photography? Digital definitely deserves a look.

Alan Hughes of Norman, Okla.

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week Alan Hughes Congratulations Alan ...

Steve Kuo of Taipei, Taiwan

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week Steve Kuo Congratulations Steve Kuo on ...

Gut Check

Tummy troubles can bubble up before, during or after a dive. Manage yours with our guide to gastrointestinal woes.

Top 10 Things You Don't Want to Find In Your Goodie Bag After a Dive

#2 Nothing but a hole at the bottom.Mike of Staten Island, N.Y.

Dive Deeper, Stay Longer

Decompression diving can take you to greater depths, and your skills to a whole new level. Are you ready to push the limits?

Work Continues on The Lost City of Atlantis

Creating the world's largest, entirely man-made underwater city off the island of Cayman Brac isn't an easy, overnight project. Just ask Foots, the artist building The Lost City of Atlantis from scratch. Recently, he ...

The Best Weight-Integrated BCs

Scuba Lab pushes inflator buttons, pulls dump valves and ditches the integrated weights of 11 new models to find the best ways to combine your weight belt with your BC.