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Catalina Island

Once bordering on extinction, California's black sea bass are staging a big comeback.

Survival Guide for the Traveling Photographers

Sometimes just getting there ready to shoot can be the hardest part.

David Da Costa of New York, N.Y.

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week David Da Costa Congratulations David ...

Paul Whitehead of Bangkok, Thailand

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week Paul Whitehead Congratulations Paul ...

Indonesia Aboard the Komodo Dancer

Trip Preparation and Daily Log: Sept. 22 - Oct. 1, 2002

Top 10 Things Overheard on the Dive Boat when President Clinton Went Snorkeling on the Great Barrier

#5 "Easy on the wake mate, you know how much white water scares him."

Bye-Bye Back Pain

Eight exercises designed to get your back in shape for diving.

Gear to Go

Before embarking on your next tropical dive adventure, check out this collection of hit-the-road dive gear designed specifically for the traveling diver.

Top 10 (Bad) New Year's Resolutions for Divers

#8 I will give my mother-in-law a gift certificate for a shark feeder program. Scuba Diving's Top 10 Things Lists