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Raja Ampats, Indonesia

In an area of the Pacific known as the heart of the world's marine biodiversity, one island group stands out for its jaw-dropping abundance of life.

British Columbia's Top 10 Dives

These 10 hot spots in the cold Emerald Sea may be the best diving in North America.

Magic Gas?

Nitrox may benefit some divers on some dives, but is it for you? Get the facts before you make the switch.

Student Shortcuts to Great Photos

Twelve former underwater photo students share the secrets of their success.

Vincent Mounier of Montreal, Quebec

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week Vincent Mounier Congratulations ...

Phil Napoli of West Chester, Ohio

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week Phil Napoli Congratulations Phil ...

2001 Digital Shootout - Indonesia

A Trip Diary by Stephen Frink

Top Ten Things You Don't Want to Hear While in the Recompression Chamber

#5 What's that coming out of his ear?Katy Perry of Martinez, Calif./

Making an Out-of-Air Ascent

Exhale slowly. The air in your lungs expands as you ascend, and it's not uncommon to exhale all the way up and reach the surface feeling you have more air in your lungs than when you began the ascent. You're a good diver. You could be ...