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Stanley Holz of Whitefield, New Hampshire

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week Stanley Holz Congratulations Stanley ...

Gary Hughes of Okinawa, Japan

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week Gary Hughes Congratulations Gary ...

Tahiti Aggressor - April 12-19, 2003

Text and Photography by Stephen Frink Dive Log Photo of Stephen Frink taken by Mike Veitch, the Tahiti Aggressor's onboard photo pro. Inspired by ...

Top 10 Reasons to Spend the Holidays Underwater

#7 Getting narced is better than egg nog -- no calories and no hangover.

Red Sea Travel Guide (2001)

A complete guide to diving Europe's Caribbean.

Top 10 Signs Your Dive Buddy Isn't as Experienced as He Claims to Be

#7 He thinks BC is a comic strip about a caveman. Scuba Diving's Top 10 Things Lists

Top 10 Signs Your Buddy is Suffering From Nitrogen Narcosis

Our readers have come up with some pretty funny ways to tell whether a diver is under the influence. Check out the top 10 signs your buddy Is narced.

Diving Without a Leg To Stand On

Plus: Diving after a root canal and a cold and flu quiz.

12 Bonaire Hotels Offer Packages for the 8th Annual Dive Festival, June 5 - 19, 2004

12 hotels, an all-time high number, are featuring special packages for the Eighth Annual Bonaire Dive Festival taking place June 5 - 19, 2004. Offered by accommodations that range from luxury to moderate, the Festival packages include value-added ...