Scuba Diving magazine and Bonaire Dive and Adventure teamed up to celebrate Scuba Diving Magazine Week and the Bonaire Dive Into Summer festival by offering a free Dive With A Naturalist fish ID seminar and guided dive.
Pack your gear and grab your passport--you've gota lot of diving to do.
Tips, techniques and proven strategies for hassle-free dive travel.
Pack your gear and grab your passport--you've gota lot of diving to do.
Pack your gear and grab your passport--you've gota lot of diving to do.
Pack your gear and grab your passport--you've gota lot of diving to do.
Aloha, Jim Watt With those words, words that can mean both hello and farewell, underwater photographer Doug Perrine announced the passing of close friend James Watt. "Jim passed away this morning, Thursday July 19, in the company of ...
How to stay disease-free when diving abroad.
It's the peak of the summer dive season so don't miss this issue of Scuba Diving magazine, available now on newsstands.