Go High End Baby! Blue XT~Sea and the Coral Princess November 2006
Bonaire Dive Into Summer's season-long photo contest sponsored by Scuba Diving Magazine has wound down, and winners have been selected in each of three categories.
The Reef Relief Holiday Online Auction, begins this Saturday, November 10th and runs through December 15, 2007, at www.reefrelief.org. "This is Reef Relief's biggest fundraiser of the year and supports year-round efforts to protect ...
Everyone is invited to a beach party at South Beach in Key West on Sunday, November 18th from 2-6 pm, featuring Howard Livingston and the Mile Marker 24 band. The Southernmost Beach Café, as it is now called, is newly renovated and ...
Delta Airlines to Offer Direct Service from Atlanta
DEMA Booth #1019 - HOLLIS line of technical and advanced diving equipment launches in Orlando at DEMA Show. New PRISM 2 rebreather to be on display
DEMA Booth #1597 - Arm-mounted wireless text messenger powers conversations between divers and ships, with SOS capability up to 1,000 meters - See it for yourself at DEMA Show!
DEMA Booth #2051 - A liveaboard group travel program that understands how retailers operate their travel programs.
If you love adventure this dive is for you.