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Sea Hero of the Year: Shawn Heinrichs

Founding sponsors of Sea Heroes, Oris Watches honors this committed conservationist, naming him Sea Hero of the Year.

At the Back of the Boat: Bob Halstead

Celebrated underwater photographer Bob Halstead has been diving and taking underwater images since the late 1960s.

Ask An Expert: Mandatory Redundant Air Systems?

Two experienced divers debate whether the dive industry should mandate the use of redundant air systems.

Guy Harvey Receives Conservation Award

A unique blend of artist, conservationist, scientist, diver, angler and explorer, Guy Harvey’s lifetime of extraordinary support of conservation through artistic excellence is being recognized by the Artists for Conservation (AFC) during a November festival gala in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Tips for Maintaining and Preserving Dive Computers and Dive Watches

Follow these steps to care for your dive computers and dive watches, so these precision instruments provide you with long and reliable service over your dive career.

Top 5 Scuba Diving Destinations for Wall Dives

Our readers name the five best scuba diving destinations to get vertical underwater with wall dives.

10 Tips for Avoiding Nitrogen Narcosis

When you dive at great depths, you need to be thoroughly aware of the symptoms of nitrogen narcosis. Follow these scuba diving safety tips to ensure you don't fall prey to the infamous Rapture of the Deep.

World's Best Diving and Resorts: Taka Dive

Taka has been operating live-aboard dive trips for more than 18 years to some of Australia’s most remote, untouched reefs. Here are the top 3 reasons to dive with Taka, one of the world's best diving live-aboards.

World's Best Diving and Resorts: Anse Chastanet

With lofty green mountaintops above and plunging coral canyons below, St Lucia’s Anse Chastanet is surrounded on all sides by iconic natural beauty. Here are the top-three reasons why Anse Chastanet is one of the world's best diving resorts.