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Delve Into Tec Diving on a Red Sea Vacation

For Scuba Diving staffers Candice Landau and Kristin Paterakis, the Red Sea proves the perfect playground for a foray into tec diving. Join the excursion onboard All Star Liveaboard’s “Wrecks of the North” itinerary.

4 Epic Liveaboard Expeditions for Citizen Scientists

Want to make the most of your next dive trip? Citizen science trips onboard liveaboards give divers a taste of living and working as a coral, manta ray or shark research scientist.

Great Destinations for Wreck Divers Traveling with Non-Divers

Three vacation destinations in and near Europe boast both world-class wreck diving and vibrant on-land attractions.

Scientists Discover Incredibly Salty Underwater Lakes On the Floor of the Red Sea

In partnership with the marine exploration nonprofit OceanX, University of Miami scientists using ROVs discovered the massive brine pools more than a mile deep.

Eight of the Most Exciting Dives in the World

Get your heart beating and blood flowing when you dive any of these high-octane sites from Egypt to French Polynesia.

Five of the World's Most Luxurious Liveaboards

Live in luxury when you dive with any of these boats, from the Galapagos the Maldives.

The Incomparable Red Sea

All Star Red Sea delivers adventurous scuba safaris in Egypt’s Red Sea

Five Fantastic Red Sea Shipwreck Dives

Incredible wrecks to dive in the Red Sea, from the *Thistlegorm* to the *Salem Express* and beyond.