Sascha Zuger Articles
It takes a wild imagination and, more importantly, impressive feats of engineering, to build and sustain these spectacular underwater attractions.
Climate change is threatening the Maldivian sea turtle population. This is how local resorts are teaming up to protect them.
A seasoned diver finds whale sharks, cleaning stations and creatures of the night aboard the *Scubaspa*—part hardcore diver nirvana, part spa splurge immersion.
Get your heart beating and blood flowing when you dive any of these high-octane sites from Egypt to French Polynesia.
Saba holds a monthlong conservation festival called Sea & Learn that gives locals the opportunity learn what they can do for the surrounding sea.
When injected with vinegar, the endemic coral-eater will die within 48 hours without negative impacts on the surrounding ecosystem, according to a years-long study.
If you’ve been meaning to get scuba certified and want an extra-unique experience, consider one of these five locations for your scuba course.
Whether you plan to get scuba certified or want to advance your dive certification, the Florida Keys provide dive opportunities for all.
Places you can go scuba diving in the desert, from the Untied States to the Middle East.