Divers looking for training beyond open-water certification face a dizzying array of options. For more dive training tips, go to scubadiving.com
Diving without a boat can be as easy as a day at the beach if you know how to do it like a California native. Here's how West Coast divers handle the surf.
Not afraid of the dark, are you? Conquer your fear of night diving with our 12 essential rules for after-hours fun. Plus: Nine nights you'll never forget and four lights you shouldn't dive without.
There's more to diving than "60 feet for 30 minutes, back on the boat with 500 psi"; if you have the right tools, training and mind-set for the expanding world of recreational tech diving.
Follow these tips to return home warm, comfortable and still smiling about the diving.
You're captain, divemaster and diver all rolled into one when you make your dives from a kayak. Here are the gear and skills you'll need, and the best sites.
Basic scuba diving rules and regulations to stay safe underwater, from your safety stop to diving ascent rate.
Nitrox lets you dive longer and deeper, right? What you need to know about diving safely on nitrox and oxygen toxicity.
Proper weighting is a moving target that changes every time you go scuba diving. Find out how to improve your buoyancy while scuba diving.