Tiffany Duong Articles
A male fantastic giant tortoise collected from the Galápagos in 1906 was believed to be the only one until a female, discovered in 2019, was genetically confirmed to be the same species.
Underwater observations of bottlenose dolphins show pods of dolphins rub themselves on specific coral species, which may prevent or treat an infection.
An Oregon State research team automated processing of data from underwater microphones, strengthening scientists' ability to monitor reef health.
Three unique Atolla-like jellies collected in Monterey Bay in the last fifteen years have officially been declared a new species.
The mass bleaching of native sea sponges was spotted for the first time in New Zealand’s Breaksea Sound and Doubtful Sound fjords in Fiordland.
Deep-sea scientists aboard the Exploration Vessel Nautilus discovered evidence of ancient active volcanic geology that looks like the road to Oz.
The sole team to brave the windy Monroe County waters for the Earth Day derby speared their way into derby history.
Scientists studying seagrass meadows off the coast of Mallorca, Spain discovered ultraviolet filters in the stems of *Posidonia oceanica*, an endemic Mediterranean seagrass species.
The map using data from satellite images over time to help ecosystem managers and restoration practitioners visualize fluctuations in kelp forest size.