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Tiffany Duong Articles

From the Skies to the Seas, Abandoned Airplane Becomes New Red Sea Dive Site

Sunk in 2019, the old Lockheed Martin L1011 Tristar airplane has become an artificial reef and a world-class dive site.

Tourist Train Endangers Mexican Cenotes and Prehistoric Sites

The Mexican government has invoked its national security powers to push forward the construction of a tourist train being built the Caribbean coast, threatening its cave systems.

Scientists Discover Incredibly Salty Underwater Lakes On the Floor of the Red Sea

In partnership with the marine exploration nonprofit OceanX, University of Miami scientists using ROVs discovered the massive brine pools more than a mile deep.

Scientists Are Saving Ancient Cave Art From Rising Sea Levels—And You Can Tour The Submerged Cavern

Researchers are racing to complete digitization of ancient cave art in a submerged Mediterranean cavern as rising sea levels and plastic pollution threaten to scrub them from the annals of history.

World’s Deepest Shipwreck Discovered in the Philippine Sea

Caladan Oceanic Expeditions found the USS *Roberts* in June more than 1,000 feet deeper than USS *Johnston*, the ship previously considered the world's deepest wreck.

Two Artists Lived on a Deserted Island for a Month. Here’s What They Learned About The Ocean.

The duo caught fish to live and chronicled their sustenance through the Japanese art of gyotaku.

Scientists Unveil Robotic Fish That Consumes Microplastics

The prototype robo-fish, created by researchers at Sichuan University, absorbs microplastics as it moves through the water.

Powerful Water Women You Should Know

These up-and-coming ocean heroes are making incredible contributions to diving and marine conservation.

$20 Billion Treasure Photographed in San José Wreck. Five Countries Say It's Their Property.

A deep-sea robot recently imaged the treasure within the wreck of the *San José*, a Spanish galleon sunk in 1708 of which Colombia, Spain, Peru, Panama and Bolivia all claim at least partial possession.