Scuba Diving Partner Articles
From cleanliness to saving money, here are five reasons why you should buy your own scuba gear.
Here are some of the best spots for scuba diving across the globe from Florida to Fiji.
Why dive? For those who love the ocean, travel and exploration, it's a no-brainer!
Intrigued by scuba diving and underwater exploration but have heard a few things that have scared you away? We’d like to bust some common myths about the sport!
Getting scuba certified on vacation is a great way to see cool sites while learning the skills.
You can try scuba diving without being certified and, in some cases, without even wearing the tank! Check out three ways to test the water and see if diving is right for you.
What should you look for in a good dive instructor? Don’t overlook the most important person in your journey to becoming a diver, your instructor.
Located on the San Francisco beach, where two great worlds coexist: fun at the beach and the incredible underwater Palancar reef. Now you can enjoy even more of your diving experience at Allegro Cozumel with our Ultimate Dive Experience program.
Is your child ready to scuba dive? The age limit is 12 years old, but here are questions to ask yourself.