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Top 10 Ways Diving Would Be Different If Bill Gates Were in Charge

#3 Every time you were really close to your destination, your boat would crash.

The Best of Everything Gear Guide 2003: Travel Dive Bags with Wheels

December 2002 By John Brumm Dive equipment is heavy and cumbersome, so your travel dive bag must be able to get your gear safely from home to airport to dive resort with a minimum of hassle. That means a durable bag with lots of volume, a ...

Beat the Cold: 8 Hot Tips

Use these eight tips to take the chill out of every dive.

Fort Lauderdale

Embarrassment of Riches: Ritzy Fort Lauderdale is easy on the eyes--above water and below.

Rebreathers 101

Our technical editor confronts myths about rebreathers and argues that semi-closed systems make sense for recreational divers.

Sam's Dive Tours Celebrates 60th Anniversary of the Liberation of Palau

"Special Tour Series - 2004" Commemorates Historic WWII Event

Toys for the Children Needs Your Help

Group seeks divers to donate holiday gift items for children in the Caribbean.

Light Speed

Full-foot fins weigh less and move faster. We kicked 12 models and found five top performers.

Chinchorro Bank

Between Cozumel and Belize there's an atoll that's made for divers--and you've never heard of it. Got your attention?