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Cozumel Offers New Exploration For Divers Along With Special Resort Packages For The New Year

Cozumel, Mexico (Mar. 5, 2007) - Whether divers are heading to Cozumel for the first or tenth time next year, all will be able to explore exciting new underwater scenes with the introduction of an additional shipwreck and discovery of new ...

The Andrea Doria

In the early 1970s Don Rodocker and Chris DeLucchi formed a new company, Saturation Systems Inc. Drawing on their extensive training and experience as U.S. Navy saturation divers (Rodocker was selected to make the first 850 foot saturation dive; ...

The Andrea Doria

Evelyn Bartram Dudas was newly certified in 1966 when she was invited to speak to at local Lions Club luncheon about the novel sport of scuba diving. During her talk she vowed to become the first woman to dive the Andrea Doria. The following ...

Hot News from Aggressor Fleet Limited - Galapagos Aggressor Week Available

Due to a last minute group cancellation, the Galapagos Aggressor I has space available the week of May 10 - 17, 2007. Discover the unique ecosystem and dive the spectacular underwater world of the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. Every Galapagos ...

The Andrea Doria

Evelyn Bartram Dudas was newly certified in 1966 when she was invited to speak to at local Lions Club luncheon about the novel sport of scuba diving. During her talk she vowed to become the first woman to dive the Andrea Doria. The following ...

The Andrea Doria

Learn more about the wreck with these resources.

Travel To Cozumel, Mexico Made Easy With American Eagle's New Miami Flights

Cozumel, Mexico (Feb. 27, 2007) - U.S. travelers can now plan vacations to the Mexican Caribbean destination of Cozumel with even greater ease with the introduction of American Eagle's new direct Miami-to-Cozumel route. The new Cozumel ...

The Andrea Doria

Though the wreck is in a rapid state of decay, it still attracts divers who want to prove their skills. See what it takes to join the roster of successful Andrea Doria divers.

The Andrea Doria

Though the wreck is in a rapid state of decay, it still attracts divers who want to prove their skills. See what it takes to join the roster of successful Andrea Doria divers.