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Scuba Schools International is Looking Forward to Being a Part of Dive Fuel 2009 at the DEMA Show 2008!

Join us for Dive Fuel 2009 and take home some new ideas for the upcoming 2009 season.

Ask DAN: Mood-Altering Meds

No. 6 in our dive-training series "Ask DAN": Mood-Altering Meds. The experts at Divers Alert Network provide answers to your dive medicine questions. For more information on scuba diving health, medicine and fitness, visit

Ask An Instructor - August 2008

Your diving questions answered.

Papua New Guinea (August 2008)

The heart of the Coral Triangle.

Wreck Valley, New York-New Jersey

Think that there's no quality scuba diving in New York or New Jersey? Check out the wreck diving that's just offshore.

It's Not Easy Diving Green...

But it's worth a try. Here are nine tips for eco-conscious dive travel.

BCs For Women

Scuba Lab tests eight new BCs designed just for women.

Mastering the Muck

Muck photography is one of the best ways to get unique shots.

Fishwatching 101

REEF's diver-friendly fish ID program is a great way to get started.