Melissa Smith Articles
The nonprofit aims to deploy 1,000 Interceptors in the next 5 years stem the flow of ocean pollution coming from rivers.
Nicole Yamase, 29, is the third woman to make the 7-mile journey to the sea floor.
Dive and dine your way across Georgia, Florida, and Alabama.
The U.K will install cameras in 10 overseas territories for a four-month-long, roughly $3 million project to monitor more than 1 million square miles of sea with BRUVS. Data from the program will inform future conservation efforts.
A diver found the tooth of the extinct Giant Short-Faced Bear during a fossil dive in South Carolina’s Cooper River.
At least 539 manatees died in Florida waters by mid-March, only 100 shy of the number that died in 2020. Cold water and lack of food availability are among the potential causes.
The bioluminescent species include the blackbelly lanternshark, southern lanternshark and the kitefin shark, the largest luminous vertebrate ever discovered.
The seafloor search for DDT barrels off the coast of California comes after the *LA Times* exposed an old chemical dumping ground in late 2020.
Great places to scuba in California, Oregon and Washington during a drive-and-dive trip.