Melissa Smith Articles
Young coral colonies are proliferating and fish are returning four years after history’s strongest cyclone, according to dive surveys recently conducted by the Wildlife Conservation Society.
What dive travelers need to know about COVID-19 vaccine requirements and travel restrictions for liveaboards and popular scuba diving destinations.
More than 1,000 tons of black tar has washed up on Israel’s coastline from Libyan-owned tanker that was spilling the crude oil into the Mediterranean Sea.
Divers discovered the wreckage of *The Providenz*, a 300-year-old Irish ship ran aground by a drunken crew, off the coast of Mandal, Norway.
Recordings of fin whale songs let a scientist measure the thickness and compactness of layers of Earth’s crust up to about 10,000 feet below the seafloor.
The biomimetic design houses an underwater glass wall so visitors and scientists can see marine creatures in their natural habitat.
Researchers boring into an Antarctic ice shelf found a boulder coated in life like sponges, the first of its kind ever recorded, in an environment where larger life was thought to not exist.
The Whale Heritage Site title signifies it as an area has cultural ties and educational, sustainable interactions with both whales and dolphins.
Great dive sites for a drive-and-dive from Pennsylvania to Maine.