Why Scotland Is a Snorkeling Paradise

Courtesy Shane WasikSnorkelers gear up to explore the crystal-clear waters of the Hebrides Islands in Scotland.
Why the Hebrides Is a Snorkeling Paradise
You might think traveling nearly 20 hours by plane, train, car and ferry to the remote island of Oban specifically to see basking sharks, only to strike out three days in a row, would be a crushing disappointment. But not in the Hebrides, a windblown Scottish archipelago where nature always delivers something to astonish you—even if it wasn’t the finned behemoth you expected.
“Over the years we started exploring and discovering lots of different places we didn't really know about before,” says Shane Wasik, a marine biologist who started Basking Shark Scotland in 2012.
Now, the destination is coming into its own as a popular snorkeling destination, from swimming among the ancient volcanic columns of Fingal’s Cave to bioluminescent night tours along coldwater reefs and kelp forests. Local guided experiences highlight the region’s diverse wildlife, with seal snorkeling and excursions to Lunga, one of the Treshnish Isles, to watch thousands of majestic seabirds, including kittiwake, great skua and nesting puffin.
Here are some of the sites and species (other than basking sharks) that make Hebrides worth visiting.
Related Reading: Is a Snorkel Really Necessary When I Dive?

Courtesy Shane WasikThe kelp forests of Scotland enchant snorkelers and divers with their beauty.
The Kelp Forest
Over 1,800 species have been recorded in the United Kingdom’s kelp forests, from jewel-like limpets to 15-spined sea stickleback. Snorkeling through the lush seaweed feels a bit like treasure hunting, as a hidden world reveals itself upon examination. Neighboring seagrass meadows, which act as nurseries for juvenile fish, also reward with a closer look. Watch for decorator crabs that camouflage themselves with algae and sponges.

Courtesy Shane WasikGray seals are known to be cute and playful.
Be honest: Snorkeling with seals is never not fun. The UK has two species, gray and common seals, both of which can be spotted in the Hebrides every month of the year. Swim with playful colonies as curious individuals swoop close for a mischievous nip at your fins.
The most famous whales in the Hebrides are, without a doubt, John Coe and Aquarius, the last known remaining orcas in the region. Although they’re found only a couple of times per season, they endure as cult figures (and you can always cross your fingers). You’re much more likely to see the equally astounding minke whale, the second smallest baleen species (April to October), as they do shorter dives and spend more time at the surface than large whales.

Courtesy Shane WasikFingal's Cave is a geological wonder to witness while touring in Scotland.
Fingal’s Cave
Located on the uninhabited isle of Staffa, this legendary volcanic wonder was immortalized by composer Felix Mendelssohn in his Hebrides Overture. The hexagonal basalt columns are a natural phenomenon best enjoyed from the water if the tides and swell allow.
Common dolphins live year-round in the Hebrides, and are frequently seen breaching, hunting and riding in the wake of passing boats. Basking Shark Scotland has even witnessed superpods that are hundreds strong. The Inner Hebrides is also home to a resident pod of 30 bottlenose dolphins, and on rare occasions, you might run into a Risso’s dolphin.
Related Reading: What It’s Like to Swim With Humpback Whales
Visit thousands of puffins at their breeding colony on the Treshnish Isles (April to July). If you’re lucky, you can also view them beneath the surface swimming to catch fish. Mull, an island in the Hebrides, is also one of the best places to encounter white-tailed eagle (also known as sea eagle) which was nearly hunted to extinction in the early 1900s. The fourth largest eagle in the world, it’s a thrill to watch them swooping down to capture prey.