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Top 10 Worst Excuses for Getting Lost on a Night Dive

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On October 18, 2006
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Top 10 Worst Excuses for Getting Lost on a Night Dive

Top 10 Worst Excuses for Getting Lost on a Night Dive

10) I thought all the bioluminesence was an alien life form asking me to follow it to their leader.

9) Lost? Who was lost? I was waiting for the sunrise.

8) I was too busy mastering compass navigation to notice the shrimp trawler.

7) They said to follow the guy with the black wetsuit.

6) Sorry ... must have dozed off.

5) The guy at Home Depot told me this light was waterproof.

4) Hey ... I did orient myself. The big hand was pointing to the boat and the little hand was pointed towards shore.

3) My trail of breadcrumbs was eaten.

2) My flashlight beam is out of alignment and it makes me drift to the right.

1) The mermaid told me you went the other way.

Pufferfish photo courtesy of