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Sharks Articles

Shark Saver Julie Andersen Honored for Protecting Sharks Worldwide

Julie Andersen believes all divers can develop the communication and advocacy skills to become guardians for sharks.

Best Places for Cage Diving with Great White Sharks

Great white shark diving brings you face-to-face with the ocean’s apex predator. Here’s where you can make it happen.

New Great White Shark Added to Open Sea Exhibit at Monterey Bay Aquarium

This August, the staff of Monterey Bay Aquarium collected a juvenile great white shark near Malibu, California. As the sixth great white collected by the aquarium, the 4’ 7”, 43-pound male was put on display in the aquarium's million-gallon Open Sea exhibit on August 31st. Check out this video of the young white shark's journey to its new home at the aquarium.

Ask An Expert: Is Shark Week Good for Sharks?

Our experts debate whether Discovery Channel’s popular annual series is educational or just entertainment at the sharks’ expense