Underwater photographer Can Songda finished first place in the macro category of Scuba Diving magazine's 2018 Underwater Photo Contest.
Meet Bahamas-based underwater photographer André Musgrove, and see some of Musgrove's best photos.
Underwater photographer Conor Culver finished first place in the conceptual category of Scuba Diving magazine's 2018 Underwater Photo Contest.
The best underwater photography books for aspiring professional photographers.
Impress your dive buddies with one of these ocean-themed Halloween costume ideas, with everything from an old-school scuba diver to a doggy diver.
Underwater photography tips for shooting silhouette photos of divers.
Underwater photographer Alex Dawson finished first place in the wide-angle category of Scuba Diving magazine's 2018 Underwater Photo Contest.
Does flash photography harm small ocean creatures? Pygmy seahorse expert Dr. Richard Smith offers guidelines for photographing these fragile creatures.
A photo competition judge gives tips for winning photo contests.