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Steve Kuo of Taipei, Taiwan

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On October 18, 2006
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Steve Kuo of Taipei, Taiwan

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week

Steve Kuo

Congratulations Steve Kuo on being named Photographer of the Week
Steve Kuo Steve Kuo from Taipei, Taiwan
Location: Lembeh Strait, Indonesia Marine Life ID: Goby Camera and Settings: Nikon D100 housed with Anthis Nexus D100, Nikkor AF105mm macro, ISO 200, F-16, 1/200 sec, Sea&Sea YS120
Five-lined cardinalfish
Location: Lembeh Strait, Indonesia Marine Life ID: Five-lined cardinalfish Camera and Settings: Nikon D100 housed with Anthis Nexus D100, Nikkor AF 105mm macro, ISO 200, F-16, 1/200 sec, Sea&Sea YS120
Pygmy seahorse
Location: Lembeh Strait, Indonesia Marine Life ID: Pygmy seahorse Camera and Settings: Nikon D100 housed with Anthis Nexus D100, Nikkor AF 105mm macro, ISO 500, F-4.8, 1/200 sec, Sea&Sea LX25 video light
Compressed toby
Location: Lembeh Strait, Indonesia Marine Life ID: Compressed toby Camera and Settings: Nikon D100 housed with Anthis Nexus D100, Nikkor AF 105mm macro, ISO 500, F-3.5, 1/100 sec, Sea&Sea LX25 video light
Coral crab
Location: Lembeh Strait, Indonesia Marine Life ID: Coral crab Camera and Settings: Nikon D100 housed with Anthis Nexus D100, Nikkor AF 105mm macro, ISO 500, F-4, 1/400 sec, Sea&Sea LX25 video light
Oriental searobin
Location: Lembeh Strait, Indonesia Marine Life ID: Oriental searobin Camera and Settings: Nikon D100 housed with Anthis Nexus D100, Nikkor AF 105mm macro, ISO 500, F-3.3, 1/100 sec, Sea&Sea LX25 video light
Crinoid shrimp
Location: Lembeh Strait, Indonesia Marine Life ID: Crinoid shrimp Camera and Settings: Nikon D100 housed with Anthis Nexus D100, Nikkor AF 105mm macro, ISO 500, F-4, 1/160 sec, Sea&Sea LX25 video light

| Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week|

Steve Kuo

| Congratulations Steve Kuo on being named Photographer of the Week

| ![Goby](/files/old/images/potw_images/080803PW_01_kuo_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Lembeh Strait, Indonesia **Marine Life ID:** Goby **Camera and Settings:** Nikon D100 housed with Anthis Nexus D100, Nikkor AF105mm macro, ISO 200, F-16, 1/200 sec, Sea&Sea YS120| | ![Five-lined cardinalfish](/files/old/images/potw_images/080803PW_02_kuo_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Lembeh Strait, Indonesia **Marine Life ID:** Five-lined cardinalfish **Camera and Settings:** Nikon D100 housed with Anthis Nexus D100, Nikkor AF 105mm macro, ISO 200, F-16, 1/200 sec, Sea&Sea YS120| | ![Pygmy seahorse](/files/old/images/potw_images/080803PW_03_kuo_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Lembeh Strait, Indonesia **Marine Life ID:** Pygmy seahorse **Camera and Settings:** Nikon D100 housed with Anthis Nexus D100, Nikkor AF 105mm macro, ISO 500, F-4.8, 1/200 sec, Sea&Sea LX25 video light| | ![Compressed toby](/files/old/images/potw_images/080803PW_04_kuo_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Lembeh Strait, Indonesia **Marine Life ID:** Compressed toby **Camera and Settings:** Nikon D100 housed with Anthis Nexus D100, Nikkor AF 105mm macro, ISO 500, F-3.5, 1/100 sec, Sea&Sea LX25 video light| | ![Coral crab](/files/old/images/potw_images/080803PW_05_kuo_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Lembeh Strait, Indonesia **Marine Life ID:** Coral crab **Camera and Settings:** Nikon D100 housed with Anthis Nexus D100, Nikkor AF 105mm macro, ISO 500, F-4, 1/400 sec, Sea&Sea LX25 video light| | ![Oriental searobin](/files/old/images/potw_images/080803PW_06_kuo_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Lembeh Strait, Indonesia **Marine Life ID:** Oriental searobin **Camera and Settings:** Nikon D100 housed with Anthis Nexus D100, Nikkor AF 105mm macro, ISO 500, F-3.3, 1/100 sec, Sea&Sea LX25 video light| | ![Crinoid shrimp](/files/old/images/potw_images/080803PW_07_kuo_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Lembeh Strait, Indonesia **Marine Life ID:** Crinoid shrimp **Camera and Settings:** Nikon D100 housed with Anthis Nexus D100, Nikkor AF 105mm macro, ISO 500, F-4, 1/160 sec, Sea&Sea LX25 video light|
![Steve Kuo](/files/old/images/potw_images/080803PW_00_kuo.jpg)| Steve Kuo **from Taipei, Taiwan**|