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Paul Whitehead of Bangkok, Thailand

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On October 18, 2006
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Paul Whitehead of Bangkok, Thailand

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week

Paul Whitehead

Congratulations Paul Whitehead on being named Photographer of the Week
Paul Whitehead Paul Whitehead from Bangkok, Thailand Age: 35 Years diving: 10 Certification: PADI divemaster & MSD
Dive Site: The Junk Location: Puerto Galera, Philippines Marine Life ID: Frogfish Camera and Settings: Digital Olympus 4040, f-8, 1/250 sec, DS125 strobe on manual, DX90 strobe on slave. Description: The frogfish was walking along the sandy bottom with a kind of nonchalant attitude, so I experimented with camera angles to try and portray this.
Porcelain crab
Dive Site: Black Rock Location: Myanmar Marine Life ID: Porcelain crab Camera and Settings: Nikon F80, Nikkor 60mm, f-16, 1/60 sec, Fuji Velvia, DS125 strobe on TTL, Duo 90 strobe on slave. Description: The crab was in an anemone at 20 meters and obliged by not moving at all, allowing me to play with strobe positions and apertures.
Anemone, fish and host
Dive Site: East of Eden Location: Similans, Thailand Marine Life ID: Anemone, fish and host Camera and Settings: Digital Olympus 4040, f-8, 1/250 sec, DS125 strobe on manual, DX90 strobe on slave. Description: Both strobes were placed to the right of the lens to create the shadows and angled lighting, although the shot was complicated by the shutter lag of the 4040.
Shoal of goatfish
Dive Site: Condominium Location: Similans, Thailand Marine Life ID: Shoal of goatfish Camera and Settings: Digital Olympus 4040, f-5.6, 1/60 sec, DS125 strobe on manual, DX90 strobe on slave. Description: While descending from the boat, I spotted a shoal of goatfish right below me in about 12 meters of water. I was able to get one shot before they moved out of range.
Giant moray and hinge beak shrimp
Dive Site: Shark Cave Location: Myanmar Marine Life ID: Giant moray and hinge beak shrimp Camera and Settings: Nikon F80, Nikkor 60mm, f-22, 1/90 sec, Fuji Velvia, DS125 strobe on TTL, Duo 90 strobe on slave. Description: I was photographing the moray when I noticed the shrimp coming closer. I was able to alter my position to get both of the creatures in the shot.
Dive Site: Shark Cave Location: Myanmar Marine Life ID: Cuttlefish Camera and Settings: Nikon F80, Nikkor 60mm, f-8, 1/90 sec, Fuji Velvia, DS125 strobe on TTL, Duo 90 strobe on slave. Description: The cuttlefish was startled by another diver and turned white. I was able to get two shots before he returned to his normal color of mottled brown.
Xeno crab
Dive Site: Shark Cave Location: Myanmar Marine Life ID: Xeno crab Camera and Settings: Nikon F80, Nikkor 105mm, f-16, 1/60 sec, Fuji Velvia, DS125 strobe on TTL, Duo 90 strobe on slave. Description: I was trying to photograph a smaller crab on the same gorgonian when I noticed this larger specimen further up the fan. It took many shots to get the depth of field correct with the 105mm lens.

| Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week|

Paul Whitehead

| Congratulations Paul Whitehead on being named Photographer of the Week

| ![Frogfish](/files/old/images/potw_images/071103PW_01_whitehead_lg.jpg)| | **Dive Site:** The Junk **Location:** Puerto Galera, Philippines **Marine Life ID:** Frogfish **Camera and Settings:** Digital Olympus 4040, f-8, 1/250 sec, DS125 strobe on manual, DX90 strobe on slave. **Description:** The frogfish was walking along the sandy bottom with a kind of nonchalant attitude, so I experimented with camera angles to try and portray this.| | ![Porcelain crab](/files/old/images/potw_images/071103PW_02_whitehead_lg.jpg)| | **Dive Site:** Black Rock **Location:** Myanmar **Marine Life ID:** Porcelain crab **Camera and Settings:** Nikon F80, Nikkor 60mm, f-16, 1/60 sec, Fuji Velvia, DS125 strobe on TTL, Duo 90 strobe on slave. **Description:** The crab was in an anemone at 20 meters and obliged by not moving at all, allowing me to play with strobe positions and apertures.| | ![Anemone, fish and host](/files/old/images/potw_images/071103PW_03_whitehead_lg.jpg)| | **Dive Site:** East of Eden **Location:** Similans, Thailand **Marine Life ID:** Anemone, fish and host **Camera and Settings:** Digital Olympus 4040, f-8, 1/250 sec, DS125 strobe on manual, DX90 strobe on slave. **Description:** Both strobes were placed to the right of the lens to create the shadows and angled lighting, although the shot was complicated by the shutter lag of the 4040.| | ![Shoal of goatfish](/files/old/images/potw_images/071103PW_04_whitehead_lg.jpg)| | **Dive Site:** Condominium **Location:** Similans, Thailand **Marine Life ID:** Shoal of goatfish **Camera and Settings:** Digital Olympus 4040, f-5.6, 1/60 sec, DS125 strobe on manual, DX90 strobe on slave. **Description:** While descending from the boat, I spotted a shoal of goatfish right below me in about 12 meters of water. I was able to get one shot before they moved out of range.| | ![Giant moray and hinge beak shrimp](/files/old/images/potw_images/071103PW_05_whitehead_lg.jpg)| | **Dive Site:** Shark Cave **Location:** Myanmar **Marine Life ID:** Giant moray and hinge beak shrimp **Camera and Settings:** Nikon F80, Nikkor 60mm, f-22, 1/90 sec, Fuji Velvia, DS125 strobe on TTL, Duo 90 strobe on slave. **Description:** I was photographing the moray when I noticed the shrimp coming closer. I was able to alter my position to get both of the creatures in the shot.| | ![Cuttlefish](/files/old/images/potw_images/071103PW_06_whitehead_lg.jpg)| | **Dive Site:** Shark Cave **Location:** Myanmar **Marine Life ID:** Cuttlefish **Camera and Settings:** Nikon F80, Nikkor 60mm, f-8, 1/90 sec, Fuji Velvia, DS125 strobe on TTL, Duo 90 strobe on slave. **Description:** The cuttlefish was startled by another diver and turned white. I was able to get two shots before he returned to his normal color of mottled brown.| | ![Xeno crab](/files/old/images/potw_images/071103PW_07_whitehead_lg.jpg)| | **Dive Site:** Shark Cave **Location:** Myanmar **Marine Life ID:** Xeno crab **Camera and Settings:** Nikon F80, Nikkor 105mm, f-16, 1/60 sec, Fuji Velvia, DS125 strobe on TTL, Duo 90 strobe on slave. **Description:** I was trying to photograph a smaller crab on the same gorgonian when I noticed this larger specimen further up the fan. It took many shots to get the depth of field correct with the 105mm lens.|
![Paul Whitehead](/files/old/images/potw_images/071103PW_00_whitehead.jpg)| Paul Whitehead **from Bangkok, Thailand** **Age**: 35 **Years diving**: 10 **Certification**: PADI divemaster & MSD|