Holiday Gift Guide 2011 - Nautilus

Nautilus Lifeline VHF-GPS radio for divers. This is a fully function Marine VHF radio with 2 way chat communication, GPS position on LCD display. There is simply no other VHF radio that you can take diving with you and upon surfacing, let your boat know where you are. BONUS: New Technology Alert, LocateMe Technology allows anyone with an MMSI number to automatically send out an alert message along with your GPS position to any boat with a modern radio in a 12 mile radius!
This is the most innovative dive invention in years. Right out of the box you can use this as a fully functioning communication device for your peace of mind. If you register your Lifeline with an MMSI you will get the added safety feature of transmitting an alert and gps position. This is truly a gift that shows how much you care.