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Top 10 Signs You Need a Refresher Course

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On October 18, 2006
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Top 10 Signs You Need a Refresher Course

10) You ask someone which fin goes on the right foot and which goes on the left.

9) You think a dive table is what your dive buddies sit around at Denny's.

8) You ask where the second regulator hose has gone.

7) You see Mike Nelson wearing your gear on a Sea Hunt re-run.

6) You are certain that the power inflator button on your BC is to be pressed in order to quickly remove you from perceived danger.

5) The local hyperbaric chamber technician has memorized your DAN number.

4) You have signature fins, and the signature is "Lloyd Bridges".

3) You ask "Who is this DAN guy anyway?"

2) When asked for your dive planner, you hand over a bundle of travel brochures.

1) You think "annual service" means polishing up your brass helmet.

10) You ask someone which fin goes on the right foot and which goes on the left.

9) You think a dive table is what your dive buddies sit around at Denny's.

8) You ask where the second regulator hose has gone.

7) You see Mike Nelson wearing your gear on a Sea Hunt re-run.

6) You are certain that the power inflator button on your BC is to be pressed in order to quickly remove you from perceived danger.

5) The local hyperbaric chamber technician has memorized your DAN number.

4) You have signature fins, and the signature is "Lloyd Bridges".

3) You ask "Who is this DAN guy anyway?"

2) When asked for your dive planner, you hand over a bundle of travel brochures.

1) You think "annual service" means polishing up your brass helmet.