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By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On October 30, 2006
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Like atolls? The word was invented in the Maldives, a chain of 26 atolls made up of 1,200 islands stretching nearly 500 miles north to south. Out here in the middle of the wild Indian Ocean, currents flow unchecked, so count on advanced drift diving. But it's well worth flying halfway around the world with your safety sausage to take in these stunning reefs packed with fish and big pelagics.

Simply put, you've got two choices in a Maldives dive vacation. You can either plant yourself on one island and dive local reefs, or you can jump on a live-aboard and tour several atolls.

Dive In

Weather > One of only two Asian countries to straddle the equator, expect it to be hot and sticky. There's no seasonal temperature variation, but December through April is dry, while May through November is wet. December is the coolest month, with air temps ranging from 78F to 86F. April is warmest, ranging from 80F to 89F.

Average Water Temp > The water is consistently in the low to mid-80Fs, but bring a 3mm suit if you tend to get cold, especially if you'll be on a live-aboard.

Average Visibility > In spring, the southwest monsoon creates plankton blooms that lower visibility from the average 130 feet to around 70. The opposite is true in November when the northeast monsoon brings the big pelagics off western shores, and bouts of 200-foot visibility are common.

Travel Savvy > Unfortunately for North American divers, there's no direct air service, so be prepared to fly airlines you've never heard of. Buy a safety sausage and practice using it before you go. Swift currents might separate you from the dive group. You aren't allowed to bring alcohol into the country, but be sure and pack all the film you'll need.

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Like atolls? The word was invented in the Maldives, a chain of 26 atolls made up of 1,200 islands stretching nearly 500 miles north to south. Out here in the middle of the wild Indian Ocean, currents flow unchecked, so count on advanced drift diving. But it's well worth flying halfway around the world with your safety sausage to take in these stunning reefs packed with fish and big pelagics.

Simply put, you've got two choices in a Maldives dive vacation. You can either plant yourself on one island and dive local reefs, or you can jump on a live-aboard and tour several atolls.

Dive In

Weather > One of only two Asian countries to straddle the equator, expect it to be hot and sticky. There's no seasonal temperature variation, but December through April is dry, while May through November is wet. December is the coolest month, with air temps ranging from 78F to 86F. April is warmest, ranging from 80F to 89F.

Average Water Temp > The water is consistently in the low to mid-80Fs, but bring a 3mm suit if you tend to get cold, especially if you'll be on a live-aboard.

Average Visibility > In spring, the southwest monsoon creates plankton blooms that lower visibility from the average 130 feet to around 70. The opposite is true in November when the northeast monsoon brings the big pelagics off western shores, and bouts of 200-foot visibility are common.

Travel Savvy > Unfortunately for North American divers, there's no direct air service, so be prepared to fly airlines you've never heard of. Buy a safety sausage and practice using it before you go. Swift currents might separate you from the dive group. You aren't allowed to bring alcohol into the country, but be sure and pack all the film you'll need.

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