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Paul Gray of Newark, Del.

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On October 18, 2006
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Paul Gray of Newark, Del.

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week

Paul Gray

Congratulations Paul Gray on being named Photographer of the Week
Paul Gray Paul Gray from Newark, Del. Age: 36 Years diving: 5 Certification: NAUI
Spotted moray eel
Location: Shurz wreck, North Carolina Marine Life: Spotted moray eel Camera: Olympus C-4040 Digital with Tetra housing Settings: Macro lens, 2 Nikonos sb105 strobes at lowest setting, f-8 at 1/60 Description: With the delay of the digital camera, it was tricky trying to time the exact second when the eel would open its mouth!
Sand tiger shark
Location: Caribsea wreck, North Carolina Marine Life: Sand tiger shark Camera: Olympus C-4040 Digital with Tetra housing Settings: Wide angle lens, 2 Nikonos sb105 strobes at lowest setting, f-7 at 1/40 Description: It was quite thrilling trying to get as close as possible to this shark (note the fish hook in its side).
Sea lion
Location: Cousins Rock, Galapagos Islands Marine Life: Sea lion Camera: Olympus C-4040 Digital with Tetra housing Settings: Tetra flat port lens, no strobes, f-3.6 at 1/200 Description: Many sea lions were relaxing at surface while we snorkeled around them.
Sand tiger sharks
Location: Caribsea wreck, North Carolina Marine Life: Sand tiger sharks Camera: Olympus C-4040 Digital with Tetra housing Settings: Wide angle lens with color filter, no strobes, f-3.6 at 1/40 Description: Of all the wrecks in this area, the Caribsea has the largest population of sharks.
White grunt
Location: Shurz wreck, North Carolina Marine Life: White grunt Camera: Olympus C-4040 Digital with Tetra housing Settings: Macro lens, 2 Nikonos sb105 strobes at lowest setting,f-8 at 1/160 Description: This grunt allowed me to get pretty close.
White telesto coral
Location: Indra wreck, North Carolina Marine Life: White telesto coral Camera: Olympus C-4040 Digital with Tetra housing Settings: Macro lens, 2 Nikonos sb105 strobes at lowest setting,f-2.6 at 1/800 Description: These corals are very attractive when viewed up close.
Cardinalfish with tomtates
Location: Caribsea wreck, North Carolina Marine Life: Cardinalfish with tomtates Camera: Olympus C-4040 Digital with Tetra housing Settings: Wide angle lens, 2 Nikonos sb105 strobes at lowest setting,f-3.6 at 1/80 Description: This dive site had a lot of action!
Yellow cup coral
Location: Cousins Rock, Galapagos Islands Marine Life: Yellow cup coral Camera: Olympus C-4040 Digital with Tetra housing Settings: Macro lens, 1 Nikonos sb105 strobe at lowest setting,f-8 at 1/800 Description: On our only night dive of the trip, the corals were wide awake and ready to be photographed.

|| |---| | Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week|

Paul Gray

|||| |---|---|---| | Congratulations Paul Gray on being named Photographer of the Week | | | |

| ![Spotted moray eel](/files/old/images/potw_images/041703PW_01_gray_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** _Shurz_ wreck, North Carolina **Marine Life:** Spotted moray eel **Camera:** Olympus C-4040 Digital with Tetra housing **Settings:** Macro lens, 2 Nikonos sb105 strobes at lowest setting, f-8 at 1/60 **Description:** With the delay of the digital camera, it was tricky trying to time the exact second when the eel would open its mouth!| | ![Sand tiger shark](/files/old/images/potw_images/041703PW_02_gray_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** _Caribsea_ wreck, North Carolina **Marine Life:** Sand tiger shark **Camera:** Olympus C-4040 Digital with Tetra housing **Settings:** Wide angle lens, 2 Nikonos sb105 strobes at lowest setting, f-7 at 1/40 **Description:** It was quite thrilling trying to get as close as possible to this shark (note the fish hook in its side).| | ![Sea lion](/files/old/images/potw_images/041703PW_03_gray_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Cousins Rock, Galapagos Islands **Marine Life:** Sea lion **Camera:** Olympus C-4040 Digital with Tetra housing **Settings:** Tetra flat port lens, no strobes, f-3.6 at 1/200 **Description:** Many sea lions were relaxing at surface while we snorkeled around them.| | ![Sand tiger sharks](/files/old/images/potw_images/041703PW_04_gray_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** _Caribsea_ wreck, North Carolina **Marine Life:** Sand tiger sharks **Camera:** Olympus C-4040 Digital with Tetra housing **Settings:** Wide angle lens with color filter, no strobes, f-3.6 at 1/40 **Description:** Of all the wrecks in this area, the _Caribsea_ has the largest population of sharks. | | ![White grunt](/files/old/images/potw_images/041703PW_05_gray_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** _Shurz_ wreck, North Carolina **Marine Life:** White grunt **Camera:** Olympus C-4040 Digital with Tetra housing **Settings:** Macro lens, 2 Nikonos sb105 strobes at lowest setting,f-8 at 1/160 **Description:** This grunt allowed me to get pretty close.| | ![White telesto coral](/files/old/images/potw_images/041703PW_06_gray_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** _Indra_ wreck, North Carolina **Marine Life:** White telesto coral **Camera:** Olympus C-4040 Digital with Tetra housing **Settings:** Macro lens, 2 Nikonos sb105 strobes at lowest setting,f-2.6 at 1/800 **Description:** These corals are very attractive when viewed up close.| | ![Cardinalfish with tomtates](/files/old/images/potw_images/041703PW_07_gray_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** _Caribsea_ wreck, North Carolina **Marine Life:** Cardinalfish with tomtates **Camera:** Olympus C-4040 Digital with Tetra housing **Settings:** Wide angle lens, 2 Nikonos sb105 strobes at lowest setting,f-3.6 at 1/80 **Description:** This dive site had a lot of action!| | ![Yellow cup coral](/files/old/images/potw_images/041703PW_08_gray_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Cousins Rock, Galapagos Islands **Marine Life:** Yellow cup coral **Camera:** Olympus C-4040 Digital with Tetra housing **Settings:** Macro lens, 1 Nikonos sb105 strobe at lowest setting,f-8 at 1/800 **Description:** On our only night dive of the trip, the corals were wide awake and ready to be photographed.|
![Paul Gray](/files/old/images/potw_images/041703PW_00_gray.gif)| Paul Gray **from Newark, Del.** **Age**: 36 **Years diving**: 5 **Certification**: NAUI|
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