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Special Report: Stop Shark Finning

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On March 21, 2007
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Special Report: Stop Shark Finning

Special Report: Stop Shark Finning

The wasteful fishing practice of shark finning is a growing international problem and one that threatens the health of the ocean's top predators. The May issue of Scuba Diving features a special report on the issue and what divers can do about. For full coverage, look for the issue on newsstands and at Golden Tank dive centers beginning April 17 (subscriber copies will be mailed out starting in late March). This special web exclusive features bonus content to help educate divers and hopefully facilitate the search for a solution.
Exclusive Online Content
Sharks at the Brink: Q&A with Rob Stewart: The new feature film_ Sharkwater_ by Canadian activist Rob Stewart (due in U.S. theaters in September) documents the impact of shark finning on some of the most important reef systems the world over. In this interview with Scuba Diving he explains how demand for shark fin soup is fueling the shark trade. Click here to see the Sharkwater trailer Click here to see the making of Sharkwater
Rob Stewart

****Shark Finning on the Frontier: When divers Shawn Heinrichs and Justin Ebert went to document the pristine reefs of Raja Ampat, Indonesia, they were shocked to find shark finning inside an area that was supposed to be a marine preserve.
See Justin's pictures and read the full story of their gruesome discovery.
Click here to see Shawn's video

Action Steps: Learn what you can do about this growing environmental crisis. Sharks in my Soup: Diver to Diver message board regular Capt. Marc Weiss produced this video entitled "Sharks in my Soup," which addresses the global problem of shark finning and features a poem by famous artist Rogest. Post Your Thoughts: Share your ideas and proposed solutions with the online community at our Diver to Diver message board.

Special Report: Stop Shark Finning

The wasteful fishing practice of shark finning is a growing international problem and one that threatens the health of the ocean's top predators. The May issue of Scuba Diving features a special report on the issue and what divers can do about. For full coverage, look for the issue on newsstands and at Golden Tank dive centers beginning April 17 (subscriber copies will be mailed out starting in late March). This special web exclusive features bonus content to help educate divers and hopefully facilitate the search for a solution.|

Exclusive Online Content | Sharks at the Brink: Q&A with Rob Stewart: The new feature film_ Sharkwater_ by Canadian activist Rob Stewart (due in U.S. theaters in September) documents the impact of shark finning on some of the most important reef systems the world over. In this interview with Scuba Diving he explains how demand for shark fin soup is fueling the shark trade. Click here to see the Sharkwater trailer Click here to see the making of Sharkwater

| [![](/files/old/images/travel/20070326_finningfrontier_sm.jpg)](/article/shark_finning_frontier)|
[![](/files/old/images/travel/20070326_shark_stewart_sm.jpg)](sharks_at_the_brink) Rob Stewart
![](/files/old/images/shared/arrow_orange.gif) [****Shark Finning on the Frontier**:**](/article/shark_finning_frontier) When divers Shawn Heinrichs and Justin Ebert went to document the pristine reefs of Raja Ampat, Indonesia, they were shocked to find shark finning inside an area that was supposed to be a marine preserve. ![](/files/old/images/shared/arrow_blue.gif) [See Justin's pictures and read the full story](/article/shark_finning_frontier) of their gruesome discovery. ![](/files/old/images/shared/arrow_blue.gif) Click here to see Shawn's video || |---|
![](/files/old/images/shared/arrow_orange.gif) [**Action Steps:**](/article/action_steps) Learn what you can do about this growing environmental crisis.
![](/files/old/images/shared/arrow_orange.gif) **Sharks in my Soup:** Diver to Diver message board regular Capt. Marc Weiss produced this video entitled "Sharks in my Soup," which addresses the global problem of shark finning and features a poem by famous artist Rogest.
![](/files/old/images/shared/arrow_orange.gif) [**Post Your Thoughts:**](<%=site_url%>forum/tm.aspx?m=22452) Share your ideas and proposed solutions with the online community at our Diver to Diver message board.