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You can save sharks - the power is at your finger tips... but we only have a few days

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On September 16, 2008
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You can save sharks - the power is at your finger tips... but we only have a few days

The world's most infamous, spectacular and ancient predators are under attack - and we are calling on you to save them. For the past ten years a small but dedicated team have been battling to change perceptions and safe guard the magnificent sharks of Cocos Island.

Cocos is a World Heritage Site, protected for future generations because of its unique, stunning natural diversity. You might think because of its protected status the islands wildlife would be safe - but think again. Shark fishermen are turning to Cocos in ever greater numbers to poach the top predators and kill them for a single commodity, their fins. The sharks are dragged onboard where their fins and tail are brutally hacked off before their helpless bodies are thrown back overboard to sink to a long and painful death on the sea floor. The killing is barbaric, unnecessary and illegal, worse still, the techniques used kill a myriad of other species - dolphins, turtles, birds - its unsustainable and unacceptable. It's clear that laws are not enough, the only future for sharks and other marine life lies in education and awareness.

We need you to vote for the sharks. We are not asking for your money, just a minute of your time to log on and cast your vote. The imaging foundation is in the running for a grant from American Express that would enable us to fulfill our dream and help to make the world a better place for sharks, and indeed us all.

We plan to build a 'virtual' Cocos. A multimedia exhibit that will enable people to visit the fragile island without ever setting foot on it. We believe that education is the key to conservation.

By targeting local communities, particularly children, we believe we can change perceptions of wildlife and foster a pride and desire in local people to protect their natural heritage. Laws are not enough, the support of a community is. We will help people to understand the importance of predators in the food chain and will teach more sustainable and humane ways for fishing communities to make a living, making the seas a safer place for sharks.

This exhibit will also tour the world, educating, entertaining and impassioning, to ensure that as a global community we are committed to protecting the majesty of our natural world, safe guarding it to be enjoyed by our children and grandchildren. Please give us just a minute of your time to help save sharks and the other wonders of our wild world. Just click... To vote and learn more about the project go to :

The world's most infamous, spectacular and ancient predators are under attack - and we are calling on you to save them. For the past ten years a small but dedicated team have been battling to change perceptions and safe guard the magnificent sharks of Cocos Island.

Cocos is a World Heritage Site, protected for future generations because of its unique, stunning natural diversity. You might think because of its protected status the islands wildlife would be safe - but think again. Shark fishermen are turning to Cocos in ever greater numbers to poach the top predators and kill them for a single commodity, their fins. The sharks are dragged onboard where their fins and tail are brutally hacked off before their helpless bodies are thrown back overboard to sink to a long and painful death on the sea floor. The killing is barbaric, unnecessary and illegal, worse still, the techniques used kill a myriad of other species - dolphins, turtles, birds - its unsustainable and unacceptable. It's clear that laws are not enough, the only future for sharks and other marine life lies in education and awareness.

We need you to vote for the sharks. We are not asking for your money, just a minute of your time to log on and cast your vote. The imaging foundation is in the running for a grant from American Express that would enable us to fulfill our dream and help to make the world a better place for sharks, and indeed us all.

We plan to build a 'virtual' Cocos. A multimedia exhibit that will enable people to visit the fragile island without ever setting foot on it. We believe that education is the key to conservation.

By targeting local communities, particularly children, we believe we can change perceptions of wildlife and foster a pride and desire in local people to protect their natural heritage. Laws are not enough, the support of a community is. We will help people to understand the importance of predators in the food chain and will teach more sustainable and humane ways for fishing communities to make a living, making the seas a safer place for sharks.

This exhibit will also tour the world, educating, entertaining and impassioning, to ensure that as a global community we are committed to protecting the majesty of our natural world, safe guarding it to be enjoyed by our children and grandchildren. Please give us just a minute of your time to help save sharks and the other wonders of our wild world. Just click... To vote and learn more about the project go to :