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Warrior Dive April 2008, Key Largo

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On April 16, 2008
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Warrior Dive April 2008, Key Largo

Ocean Divers, located in Key Largo, Florida hosted a group of fourteen wounded warriors and their wives for six days of fun in the Dive Capital of the World. This group of soldiers had all been wounded in Iraq and had a disability of some type. The soldiers were made up of four Marines; the remaining ten came from the 101st Airborne, eight infantry one Green Beret and their lead Instructor, Jack Dalby a retired wounded Green Beret.

The troops had little money to make the trip so several local business leaders and the entire Florida Keys community pitched in to make sure that they could not only get to Key Largo but had a place to stay and all of their meals. Ocean Divers supplied the needed SCUBA equipment, the Dive boat and crew and logistical support, Bob and Julie Marshall of Rib Daddy's Country Kitchen and Rib Daddy's Steak and Seafood made sure that they had plenty of food. Key Largo Resorts provided a huge discount on ten rooms during this busy Spring Break week and an anonymous donor paid for the rooms. Frank Hawkins, of Hawk Associates, assisted in the planning and raising funds to cover many of their incidental expenses. Mark Mills of Clear Channel Radio was extremely helpful in raising some last minute funds by broadcasting our need. Radio works because we raised more than the initially needed funds, thereby allowing us to show the troops even more fun.

The soldiers left Ft. Campbell, KY with temperatures in the 50's and arrived to a beautiful Spring day in Key Largo, bright sunshine, a light breeze and the temperature was around 80 degrees.

The guys all met up on the first day of their adventure at the dockside office of Dick Rukowski's Hyperbarics International and got a personal tour of his working Recompression Chamber and his collection of vintage dive equipment. The men and women were also introduced to the trip organizer, Fraser Bathgate of the International Association of Handicapped Divers. The troops all attended a private reception at the ocean side home of Greg Wallick, a retired Marine officer. The Soldiers were also treated to a personal tour, by Dr. Sally Bauer, of the History of Diving Museum.

The second day took the troops to Jacob's Aquatic Center, and thanks to Todd Firm and Corky Wagner for arranging free admission to the troops, provided the pool for a refresher dive for some and resort course training for six of the soldiers and two of the wives that had never been SCUBA diving before. The certified Divers of the group also were able to try out a new proto-type scooter that attaches to the tank and is controlled by the diver's chin. The device was created by Pegasus Thurster of Miami. Dean Vitale, the President of the company, provided four Thrusters for the guys to give a test run while they were in town. They all worked perfectly and we look forward to seeing them on the market. Dean also took some of the Troops on a fishing trip on his private boat. The day ended with a reception at the VFW POST 10211 in Key Largo.

The third day was the big day for the Soldiers to do their first ocean SCUBA dives on the reefs of Key Largo. The Soldiers and staff from Berry University left the Ocean Divers Dock out to our beautiful reefs. The first stop was White Banks. This site was chosen for its protected waters so that weighting issues could be resolved. After completing this dive the boat was off to Molasses Reef for the second dive. The troops were ecstatic after the dive. They had never seen anything so wonderful.

The fourth day the Soldiers found the water a bit choppier than the first so they chose Grecian Rocks as the location. The troops were again amazed at the amount of sea life that was there. The Troops were treated to two different receptions on this day. The first was a special luncheon at The American Legion and a dinner cookout sponsored by Ocean Divers, The Galley Restaurant and Sharky's Bar. The Soldiers were gifted Quilts that were created for them by the Key Largo Quilters Guild. The Quilts were all designed for the home States of the Soldiers. The Soldiers took a turn thanking the local folks that made all of this possible with Certificates of Appreciation and a live Thank You on the "In the Water" Radio show with Mark Mills.

The Fifth day took the Soldiers to Dolphin's Plus for a swim with the dolphins. They really had no words to describe the feelings that they had about this great experience. After the Dolphin Swim, the Soldiers all had the choice to go SCUBA diving again, to shop, to go fishing or to just simply relax by the pool. The Soldiers that went diving were treated to a guided dive on the Spiegel Grove followed by another dive on Molasses Reef and these folks will talk about this adventure for many years to come. The final Dinner was at Rib Daddy's Steak and Seafood and there were a lot of teary goodbyes and promises to return.

The troops all had a great time SCUBA diving both in the pool and the open water. They were all amazed at how nice the entire Upper Keys community was to them. They even stated that they felt like Rock Stars. They are the Rock Stars of America and actually far more important than any rock star has ever been. Ocean Divers invited each of the troops to come back anytime so they can revisit wonderful undersea world of Key Largo, the Dive Capital of the World.

Ocean Divers, located in Key Largo, Florida hosted a group of fourteen wounded warriors and their wives for six days of fun in the Dive Capital of the World. This group of soldiers had all been wounded in Iraq and had a disability of some type. The soldiers were made up of four Marines; the remaining ten came from the 101st Airborne, eight infantry one Green Beret and their lead Instructor, Jack Dalby a retired wounded Green Beret.

The troops had little money to make the trip so several local business leaders and the entire Florida Keys community pitched in to make sure that they could not only get to Key Largo but had a place to stay and all of their meals. Ocean Divers supplied the needed SCUBA equipment, the Dive boat and crew and logistical support, Bob and Julie Marshall of Rib Daddy's Country Kitchen and Rib Daddy's Steak and Seafood made sure that they had plenty of food. Key Largo Resorts provided a huge discount on ten rooms during this busy Spring Break week and an anonymous donor paid for the rooms. Frank Hawkins, of Hawk Associates, assisted in the planning and raising funds to cover many of their incidental expenses. Mark Mills of Clear Channel Radio was extremely helpful in raising some last minute funds by broadcasting our need. Radio works because we raised more than the initially needed funds, thereby allowing us to show the troops even more fun.

The soldiers left Ft. Campbell, KY with temperatures in the 50's and arrived to a beautiful Spring day in Key Largo, bright sunshine, a light breeze and the temperature was around 80 degrees.

The guys all met up on the first day of their adventure at the dockside office of Dick Rukowski's Hyperbarics International and got a personal tour of his working Recompression Chamber and his collection of vintage dive equipment. The men and women were also introduced to the trip organizer, Fraser Bathgate of the International Association of Handicapped Divers. The troops all attended a private reception at the ocean side home of Greg Wallick, a retired Marine officer. The Soldiers were also treated to a personal tour, by Dr. Sally Bauer, of the History of Diving Museum.

The second day took the troops to Jacob's Aquatic Center, and thanks to Todd Firm and Corky Wagner for arranging free admission to the troops, provided the pool for a refresher dive for some and resort course training for six of the soldiers and two of the wives that had never been SCUBA diving before. The certified Divers of the group also were able to try out a new proto-type scooter that attaches to the tank and is controlled by the diver's chin. The device was created by Pegasus Thurster of Miami. Dean Vitale, the President of the company, provided four Thrusters for the guys to give a test run while they were in town. They all worked perfectly and we look forward to seeing them on the market. Dean also took some of the Troops on a fishing trip on his private boat. The day ended with a reception at the VFW POST 10211 in Key Largo.

The third day was the big day for the Soldiers to do their first ocean SCUBA dives on the reefs of Key Largo. The Soldiers and staff from Berry University left the Ocean Divers Dock out to our beautiful reefs. The first stop was White Banks. This site was chosen for its protected waters so that weighting issues could be resolved. After completing this dive the boat was off to Molasses Reef for the second dive. The troops were ecstatic after the dive. They had never seen anything so wonderful.

The fourth day the Soldiers found the water a bit choppier than the first so they chose Grecian Rocks as the location. The troops were again amazed at the amount of sea life that was there. The Troops were treated to two different receptions on this day. The first was a special luncheon at The American Legion and a dinner cookout sponsored by Ocean Divers, The Galley Restaurant and Sharky's Bar. The Soldiers were gifted Quilts that were created for them by the Key Largo Quilters Guild. The Quilts were all designed for the home States of the Soldiers. The Soldiers took a turn thanking the local folks that made all of this possible with Certificates of Appreciation and a live Thank You on the "In the Water" Radio show with Mark Mills.

The Fifth day took the Soldiers to Dolphin's Plus for a swim with the dolphins. They really had no words to describe the feelings that they had about this great experience. After the Dolphin Swim, the Soldiers all had the choice to go SCUBA diving again, to shop, to go fishing or to just simply relax by the pool. The Soldiers that went diving were treated to a guided dive on the Spiegel Grove followed by another dive on Molasses Reef and these folks will talk about this adventure for many years to come. The final Dinner was at Rib Daddy's Steak and Seafood and there were a lot of teary goodbyes and promises to return.

The troops all had a great time SCUBA diving both in the pool and the open water. They were all amazed at how nice the entire Upper Keys community was to them. They even stated that they felt like Rock Stars. They are the Rock Stars of America and actually far more important than any rock star has ever been. Ocean Divers invited each of the troops to come back anytime so they can revisit wonderful undersea world of Key Largo, the Dive Capital of the World.