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Harbor Clean Avalon California

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On February 24, 2007
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Harbor Clean Avalon California

For this trip I let Ken Kurtis of 'Reef Seekers' manage the details. It was super well organized- an early boat out of San Pedro got to Avalon in plenty of time to get some breakfast and gear up.

We hit the water right next to the green pier at about the second line of moorings we angled off and into the middle of the harbor. I found a recently dropped cell phone, shopping bag with wheels, a bunch of bottles, some bbq tongs and assorted other trash. The weather was awesome: sunny warm, no wind, calm seas. The water was a chilly 59 degrees. Our profile for the harbor was 33 minutes 43 feet.

For dive #2 we hoofed it over to the dive park. It was as crowded as I have seen the park in ages. Tons of divers having a great day made for a little wait at the stairs but nothing horrible. Ran into lots of old friends. The dive park never disappoints, lots of fish life- vis was only OK (with that many people stirring the bottom it was as expected) the kelp was healthy. We dropped down to the SueJack and then worked our way back through the light kelp. All the usual suspects, kelp bass, garabaldi, kelp fish, cabazons, a couple bat rays, plenty of juveniles etc etc. profile was 33min for 75 feet 57 degree water temp but it felt colder....

A great day- late Feb and I am swimming in the ocean getting sunburned between dives.... SoCal is a great place to live.

For this trip I let Ken Kurtis of 'Reef Seekers' manage the details. It was super well organized- an early boat out of San Pedro got to Avalon in plenty of time to get some breakfast and gear up.

We hit the water right next to the green pier at about the second line of moorings we angled off and into the middle of the harbor. I found a recently dropped cell phone, shopping bag with wheels, a bunch of bottles, some bbq tongs and assorted other trash. The weather was awesome: sunny warm, no wind, calm seas. The water was a chilly 59 degrees. Our profile for the harbor was 33 minutes 43 feet.

For dive #2 we hoofed it over to the dive park. It was as crowded as I have seen the park in ages. Tons of divers having a great day made for a little wait at the stairs but nothing horrible. Ran into lots of old friends. The dive park never disappoints, lots of fish life- vis was only OK (with that many people stirring the bottom it was as expected) the kelp was healthy. We dropped down to the SueJack and then worked our way back through the light kelp. All the usual suspects, kelp bass, garabaldi, kelp fish, cabazons, a couple bat rays, plenty of juveniles etc etc. profile was 33min for 75 feet 57 degree water temp but it felt colder....

A great day- late Feb and I am swimming in the ocean getting sunburned between dives.... SoCal is a great place to live.