Dive Pelagic Magic in Kona
Location: Kona, Hawaii
Depth: 60 ft
Visibility: 30’+
Who it’s For: Intermediate to Advanced Divers
What Makes it Special:
Have you ever dreamt of floating in a crystal-clear, black abyss in the Pacific Ocean, while drifting peacefully along a current line? Or of watching tiny organisms made of light and rainbows make way through the water around you? This is Pelagic Magic, the most extreme dive offered by Jack’s Diving Locker.
A night dive at Pelagic Magic starts just after dusk with a maximum of six divers tethered offshore just waiting to see what goes by. Within minutes, the mesmerizing jellies put on a breathtaking colorful display, and bioluminescence come to life. Zooplankton, who are typically invisible to the naked eye, erupt into view rising to the surface to feed when the sun goes down. This spectacular show is only made possible by the illuminations of the diver’s lights, which are just a small twinkle in the vast blackness of the sea.
Ready to see the show? Visit www.jacksdivinglocker.com to book a dive at Pelagic Magic.

Jack's Diving LockerVenus Girdle spotted during the Pelagic Magic dive in Kona.