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Scuba Diving Editors Articles

Sea Heroes: In Their Words - Keller Laros

_Scuba Diving_ magazine had a chance to catch up with July 2014 Sea Hero Keller Laros at DEMA Las Vegas to discuss the conservation work for which he was nominated for and it's importance for manta rays in Hawaii.

Sea Heroes: In Their Words - Mary O'Malley

_Scuba Diving_ magazine had a chance to catch up with May 2014 Sea Hero Mary O'Malley at DEMA Las Vegas to discuss the conservation work for which she was nominated for and the importance of protecting manta rays in Indonesia.

Sea Heroes: In Their Words - Rick MacPherson

Scuba Diving magazine had a chance to catch up with 2013 Sea Hero of the Year Rick MacPherson at DEMA Las Vegas to discuss his past year since winning the award, and his plans for the future.

Largest Underwater Sculpture Unveiled in the Bahamas

Artist Jason de Caires Taylor's 60-ton concrete sculpture "Ocean Atlas" was sunk off the shallow coast of the Bahamas earlier this year. Watch the video!

Video: Great White Takes a Bite From Discovery Channel SharkCam

Have you ever wondered what it's like to get bit by a great white shark? Then watch this video from Discovery Channel's SharkCam while you wait for Shark Week 2014 to start.

Video: Whales Almost Eat Divers

Watch as divers near Souza Rock on the coast of Central California have a close call with Humpback Whales in this startling video.

ScubaLab Testers' Choice: Apeks WTX BC

Part of Apeks’ line of tec-oriented wing systems, the model we tested was built around a new ultralight travel plate, 18-pound-lift single tank “donut,” one-piece harness and SureLock weight system. For its performance and flexibility, the WTX is our Testers’ Choice.

ScubaLab Best Buy: Cressi Travelight BC

The restyled Travelight offers enough stability, comfort and amenities that it’s easy to forget it’s not a full-featured jacket BC with a rigid backplate. Ready why the Travelight was voted Best Buy this year by ScubaLab.

ScubaLab Testers' Choice: Mares Prestige 2 MRS+ BC

This latest model from Mares shows how manufacturers continue to distill all the best qualities of jacket-style BCs. Read why the Mares Prestige 2 MRS+ is this year's Testers' Choice for jacket BCs by ScubaLab.