Melissa Gaskill Articles
Wondering how you can help save the planet by making smart sustainable decisions? Check out our diver's guide to seafood.
Dwinding food supplies, ship strikes and fishing gear entanglement are all contributing to an Unusual Mortality Event among grey whale populations migraging along the West Coast.
The joy and drama of life are on simultaneous display as sea turtle hatchlings dash across the beach of Heron Island to the ocean under the preying eyes of silver gulls.
Scientists are building new tools to banish bycatch that don't harm fiserhmens' livelihood, from flashing lights to underwater pings.
Here’s what it takes to tag 22 sharks in two days, and how shark tagging helps scientists protect them.
A third of all food produced in the world gets wasted — follow these simple steps to help reduce waste on your next liveaboard trip.
These four critical marine habitats—sea grass, sand, sargassum, mangroves—nurture ocean life as we know it.
Exuma island in the Bahamas may owe its clear waters, that scuba divers dream love, to the island's bee population.