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Judy G Articles

Diving with Cozumel's Most Fascinating Underwater Creatures

Judy G's photography showcases the marine life you can expect to see underwater on the famed reefs of Mexico's largest Caribbean island, Cozumel.

21 Photos That Will Make You Go Cuckoo for CoCo View Dive Resort

I recently returned from a great trip to CoCo View Resort, located on the island of Roatan in the Honduras.

15 Underwater Photos from Thailand | Open Wide and Say Ahhhh!

The latest underwater collection from scuba diver Judy G takes us on a journey through the Andaman Sea via wide-angle photography.

Gone with the Wind: Big Current Stories and Strategies for Survival

Underwater photographer Judy G shares stories of scuba diving in a current, and how to make the most of these ripping dives.

Scuba Diving Trip Report: A Palau Primer

Experience the beauty of Palau's underwater world through the lens of photographer Judy G!

Divers Behaving Badly: What Not To Do Underwater

As divers, it's our responsibility to care for the underwater world that we love so much. So learn from the mistakes of these divers behaving badly!

Scuba Diving Wakatobi: A Gallery of Amazing Underwater Photos

Underwater photographer Judy G tells us what it's like to stay at one of the best scuba diving resorts in the world: Wakatobi.

Underwater Photo Gallery: Camouflaged Critters

Many reef creatures have adapted in such a way that they can hide in plain view. Judy G presents a photo gallery of these masters of disguise.

A Taste of the Philippines: 23 Amazing Underwater Photos

Thinking about a dive vacation to the Philippines? There is great muck diving, shore diving and more that await in this tropical Pacific destination.