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Buy two anti-shark finning billboards in China for $100

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On November 19, 2009
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Buy two anti-shark finning billboards in China for $100

Shark Savers and WildAid are collaborating on a multimedia campaign in China targeting the consumers of shark fin soup. For $100 you can fund a "Say 'no' to shark fin soup" bus stop billboard featuring basketball star Yao Ming, one of China's most popular and influential citizens. For a limited time, a sponsor of Shark Savers is matching donations, so your $100 gets TWO billboards put up. This campaign targets the largest consumers of shark fin via a local hero's influence -- fighting from the inside is the only effective way to stop shark finning in the long term. Last year, WildAid had 200 billboards in Beijing for three months. In an independent survey, 19% of Beijingers responding remembered having seen the boards and 82% of those said they would stop or reduce their consumption of shark fin soup. Imagine the power of 1,000 billboards for an entire year. This campaign works and your billboard will have an impact!

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Shark Savers and WildAid are collaborating on a multimedia campaign in China targeting the consumers of shark fin soup. For $100 you can fund a "Say 'no' to shark fin soup" bus stop billboard featuring basketball star Yao Ming, one of China's most popular and influential citizens. For a limited time, a sponsor of Shark Savers is matching donations, so your $100 gets TWO billboards put up. This campaign targets the largest consumers of shark fin via a local hero's influence -- fighting from the inside is the only effective way to stop shark finning in the long term. Last year, WildAid had 200 billboards in Beijing for three months. In an independent survey, 19% of Beijingers responding remembered having seen the boards and 82% of those said they would stop or reduce their consumption of shark fin soup. Imagine the power of 1,000 billboards for an entire year. This campaign works and your billboard will have an impact!

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