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Spyderco WaterWay


Innovative Scuba Concepts Mask and Fin Holder: ScubaLab Best Buy

The Innovative Scuba Concepts Mask & Fin Holder was a Best Buy in the 2019 ScubaLab dive accessory test.

Underwater Kinetics HangAir Hanger: ScubaLab Testers Choice

The Hangair from Underwater Kinetics made it easy to dry out wetsuits and drysuits and was picked as a Testers Choice during the 2019 ScubaLab dive accessory test.

The Best Way to Clean Your New Dive Mask

ScubaLab testers helped us to determine the best way to clean a new mask and keep it from fogging in a blind test as part of the 2020 dive mask test.

Mac Sports Wagon: ScubaLab Testers Choice

With a travel-friendly design that’s handy for hauling heavy loads, the Mac Sports Wagon is a ScubaLab Testers Choice.

The Travel Friendly Gear You Need

These 13 travel-friendly pieces of scuba gear will lighten your load on your next dive trip.

New Scuba Gear: FinClip, Atomic BCD, and a Floating Mask Case

Our editors review three news pieces of unique scuba gear, including the finclip and a mask case that floats.

Tovatec Mera: ScubaLab Innovation Award Winner

The Tovatec Mera is a new piece of gear that combines an underwater camera and a traditional dive light.

The 11 Best Dive Watches for Every Budget

Whether you’re looking to buy or just looking, these new dive watches for scuba diving are sure to catch your eye.