2014 Photo Contest: 20 Amazing Nudibranch Pictures
Dive into the bizarre and beautiful world of nudibranchs with this amazing photo gallery compiled from Scuba Diving's 2014 Through Your Lens Photo Contest submissions. These breathtaking marine gastropods are one of Mother Nature's most astounding species, sporting some of the most fascinating shapes, intricate patterns and mesmerizing hues found on any critter floating in our blue planet.
Photo names and captions provided by photographers.
More Amazing Photo Contest Submissions:

Jett BritnellAn Opalescent Nudibranch, sometimes called a Flame Tip nudibranch, laying a ribbon of eggs.
Location: Browning Passage, British Columbia, Canada

Filip StaesThis Nembrotha nudibranch was searching for food inside a tunicate vase.
Location: Lembeh/Sulawesi, Indonesia

Kelly SobczakBeautiful photograph of a crawling nudibranch.
Location: Ningaloo Reef, Exmouth, Western Australia

Martin KleinThis nudibranch was photographed using UV lights during a night dive.
Location: Lembeh, Indonesia

Chia Chi ChangAn emperor shrimp upon his nudibranch throne.
Location: Northeast Coast of Taiwan

Lynn WuThis tiny little nudibranch (Costasiella sp.) looks so cute. White head and black rhinophores; cerata green with reddish tips. It looks like a sheep stopped eating grass.
Location: Bali, Indonesia

Nicholas SamarasNudibranch Janolus cristatus
Location: Chalkidiki, Greece

Lynn WuThis Chamberlain's Nembrotha nudibranch looks like a bull getting ready to charge at the photographer.
Location: Anilao, Philippines

Jim ChenSome large nudibranch like this, especially the coral eaters, tend to aggregate in crevices during the day, or under the coral colony and emerge only at night to feed.
Location: Anilao, Philippines

Martin KleinA beautiful nudibranch posing for the camera.
Location: Lembeh, Indonesia

Francis PerezThis is a Glaucus atlanticus nudibranch who moves with the current and eat false jellyfish, Physalia physalis
Location: Tenerife, Canary Islands

Filippo BorghiSpectactular photo of a nudibranch floating in the night.
Location: Giglio, Italy

Tom RadioNudibranch species: Hermissenda crassicornis
Location: Puget Sound, WA, United States

Taiki SakaiThis Phyllidia varicosa nudibranch was found inside a cave in Kona, Pyramid Pinnacle.
Location: Kona, Hawaii, United States

Maurizio PasiPhotograph of a vibrant nudibranch caring over its ribbon of eggs.
Location: Capo Noli, Italy

Jim ChenRinged Favorinus, grows to about 10mm. White body with yellow to orange cerata with dark tips. Like all species of Favorinus it feeds on sea slug eggs, including Sea Hares and nudibranchs.
Location: Anilao, Philippines

Johnny ChiouThis nudibranch, photographed at the top of a reef, looks like it's about to take off in flight.
Location: Kenting,Taiwan

Marchione GiacomoAn emperor shrimp shows off his symbiotic swagger by taking a ride on the back of this regal-looking nudibranch.
Location: Lembeh Strait, Indonesia

Irwin AngLocation: Anilao, Philippines

Parnupong NorasethkamolUp close and personal in nudibranch central.
Location: Anilao, Philippines
Dive into the bizarre and beautiful world of nudibranchs with this amazing photo gallery compiled from Scuba Diving's 2014 Through Your Lens Photo Contest submissions. These breathtaking marine gastropods are one of Mother Nature's most astounding species, sporting some of the most fascinating shapes, intricate patterns and mesmerizing hues found on any critter floating in our blue planet.
Photo names and captions provided by photographers.
More Amazing Photo Contest Submissions: