This French Polynesian paradise is a scuba diver's dream — find out why scuba diving and atoll hopping in the Tuamotus should be on your bucket list.
Tahiti Articles
A pristine reef unaffected by coral bleaching has been discovered in Tahiti more than 100 feet deep by a team of divers mapping the ocean floor for UNESCO.
While the list of countries accepting American travelers now is quite abbreviated, it does happen to include French Polynesia.
Tahiti and her islands conjure up images of crystal clear lagoons, sunsets over lush volcanic mountains and luxurious overwater bungalows. When divers think of Tahiti and her islands they think of sharks! French Polynesia has 19 shark species in her waters out of 350 species worldwide and they have been protected in French Polynesia from the beginning of time. To the ancient ma’ohi sharks represent a protective icon in which the kind spirit of a family ancestor has been reincarnated.
Some lucky scuba divers get a personal visit from Tahiti's friendliest dolphin in this video.
Tahiti — romantic, beautiful and a diver's paradise — is one of the best places in the world to dive, and is filled with sharks, dolphins, coral reefs and more.
Want to improve your underwater photography? Here are five ways to get better shark photos while scuba diving.
Looking for the world's best diving? From sharks to humpback whales and beautiful wrecks, French Polynesia is perfect for divers!