Solomon Islands
Solomon Islands Articles
It may not come up on your Google search for best dive spots, but the Taiyo shipwreck in Solomon Islands is a dive you won't want to miss.
SCUBA VIDEO: National Geographic provides viewers a glimpse of neon sharks and other neon se life near the Solomon Islands.
Based on the opinions of thousands of divers from across the globe, our annual Top 100 Readers Choice Awards showcase the best scuba diving in the world.
Shore diving can be the ultimate do-it-yourself adventure. Here are eight of the most extreme shore dives on the planet. Are you up to the challenge?
You don't have to go deep to have outrageous encounters underwater — here are at least 10 great locations to explore the shallows in.
One of our most coveted awards: Find out which operators, resorts and liveaboards made our Top 100 Gold List!
With neighbors like Fiji, Australia and Papua New Guinea, you might think the Solomon Islands would have some pretty good diving. And you'd be right