West Greenland is where letters to Santa wind up every year, but it's not in some workshop where you'll find the magic. The real gifts are below the water's surface.
Marine Life Articles
Every year, spawning salmon return to the same spot in Alaska as a part of their final act—here's what happens
Cage diving with great white sharks has come under fire in recent years. After the wake of Isla Guadalupe’s shark tourism closure, one diver journeys to South Australia, the birthplace of great white cage diving, in search of an ethical model for encountering the awe-inspiring species.
There's much more to the relationship between an anemonefish and a giant sea anemone than a sense of camaraderie. Here's how they keep each other alive.
Scalloped hammerhead sharks and wedgefish are facing extinction, partly due to being caught and sold for their fins. This program gives local fishermen incentive to set those species free.
On a recent expedition aboard the National Geographic Endurance, one diver explores the lush biodiversity in the Falkland Islands' surrounding waters.
When survival is the goal, greater security comes with numbers. Here, we're taking a closer look at schools and shoals—plus, we'll tell you how to capture the best underwater photos.
On an expedition to South America, one diver experiences a rare encounter with a brand-new species of comb jelly—the pinnate winged comb jelly.
Liveaboards provide unique opportunities for immersive diving experiences. These expeditions take things one step further and invite guests to participate in marine research while they explore.