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Top Ten Ways to Tell You're NOT Going to Win That Underwater Photography Contest

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On October 18, 2006
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Top Ten Ways to Tell You're NOT Going to Win That Underwater Photography Contest

10) 10 feet? I thought you said the camera was waterproof to 100 feet!
Casey D. of Montville, N.J.

9) You realize after the dive that your camera is facing backwards in its housing.
Steve Mosack of Mentor, Ohio

8) The underwater camera you bought at the Wal Mart photo shop implodes at 20 feet.
Wade Davis of Bangkok, Thailand

7) Your film trails you like kelp as you exit the dive.
George Donovan of San Diego, Calif.

6) You learn to remove the lens cap after submitting your negatives.
Mark Halsted of Cincinnati, Ohio

5) As the dive boat is leaving the site you say, "Has anyone seen my camera, I think I hung it on the propeller for a second."
Bryan Kerr of Ottawa, Ont.

4) The air bubbles inside the waterproof housing are getting in the way.
Todd Tetterton of the USMC, stationed in Okinawa

3) You cannot figure out how to stop the currents from knocking your camera off its tripod.
Darrow of Melbourne, Fla.

2) People keep turning your photo around, saying, "Which way is up?"
Sharon Kerr of Spring, Texas

1) When asked what type of film you use, you tell them Polaroid.
William McBride of Bonney Lake, Wash.

10) 10 feet? I thought you said the camera was waterproof to 100 feet!
Casey D. of Montville, N.J.

9) You realize after the dive that your camera is facing backwards in its housing.
Steve Mosack of Mentor, Ohio

8) The underwater camera you bought at the Wal Mart photo shop implodes at 20 feet.
Wade Davis of Bangkok, Thailand

7) Your film trails you like kelp as you exit the dive.
George Donovan of San Diego, Calif.

6) You learn to remove the lens cap after submitting your negatives.
Mark Halsted of Cincinnati, Ohio

5) As the dive boat is leaving the site you say, "Has anyone seen my camera, I think I hung it on the propeller for a second."
Bryan Kerr of Ottawa, Ont.

4) The air bubbles inside the waterproof housing are getting in the way.
Todd Tetterton of the USMC, stationed in Okinawa

3) You cannot figure out how to stop the currents from knocking your camera off its tripod.
Darrow of Melbourne, Fla.

2) People keep turning your photo around, saying, "Which way is up?"
Sharon Kerr of Spring, Texas

1) When asked what type of film you use, you tell them Polaroid.
William McBride of Bonney Lake, Wash.