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Your Local Dive Shop: A Gateway to Liveaboard Diving

If you’re ready to experience the thrills of a liveaboard scuba diving trip to your dream destination, the best place to start is your local dive shop.

Bahamas Trip Report

The Bahamas offer diving diversity, calm seas and warm water temperatures. Learn more about diving with the owners aboard the Carib Dancer.

Party Like a Pirate aboard Blackbeard's Bahamas Sailboats

You'll do everything but pillage and plunder on Blackbeard's weeklong Bahamas dive fests.

Fiji Islands Trip Report

As the 'Soft Coral Capital' of the world, Fiji lives up to its name at dive sites like Mellow Yellow, Hi 8 and Chimneys.

Aggressor Fleet Owner’s Trip Report - Komodo National Park

What is Komodo diving? We drifted through channels, circled around pinnacles and hovered over black sand shallows — every dive was thrilling.

Liveaboard: Palau Siren

Aboard Palau Siren, a yacht that visits the Palau archipelago, you'll see hundreds of sharks, tuna, corals and other marine life on a first-class adventure.

Dive News: Aggressor Announces new Scuba Destination in Raja Ampat

The Aggressor Fleet of liveaboard dive ships yesterday announced that it will extend its service to Raja Ampat beginning August 2015.

Solmar V

Solmar V