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Eric Michael Articles

Must Have Gear for Cold-Water Diving

Want to add some extra warmth on your next cold-water dive? This heated undergarment from Thermalution is exactly what you need to keep you toasty.

Dive Hacks: What You Need To Know About Diving in Cold Water

Don't let the cold water keep you from an epic dive — here is some expert advice for diving like a polar bear.

The Ocean Could Be The Real Estate Of The Future

Dreams are coming true as underwater living comes closer to reality. From an ocean sphere to a floating manta ray school, read about these cities below the surface that are diving headfirst into the future.

Dive Hacks: Expert Tips for Liveaboard Adventures

Thinking of trying a liveaboard trip but not sure where to start? Or maybe you've done one already and are looking to gain more. Look no further, we've got you covered with these five tips to make your next liveaboard adventure your best dive trip ever.

Tips for Scuba Diving with Sharks

Scuba diving with sharks is one of the best underwater experiences out there. Here are five tips from a professional shark wrangler to have a safe and fun dive.

Cayman Five Ways— Tec Diver

Ready to try technical diving? You’ll find perfect opportunities to challenge yourself in the Cayman Islands.

Liveaboard: Palau Siren

Aboard Palau Siren, a yacht that visits the Palau archipelago, you'll see hundreds of sharks, tuna, corals and other marine life on a first-class adventure.

Scuba Diving on Rebreather in Grand Cayman Island

Want to scuba dive on a rebreather? Read how to get trained and experience diving with no bubbles in the beautiful Caribbean Island Grand Cayman.

Dive Training: How To Deal With Crowded Dive Boats

When you’re faced with an underwater mob, these tips will keep you safer ­— and maximize your fun! Here is how you can be prepared for a mob.