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10 Ways To Outsmart Narcosis

Because at 100 feet, most divers get narced.

Why Divers Panic

Plus, a bone and joint quiz and results from our online poll.

Calculating SCR (Surface Consumption Rate)

How long will a tank last you at a given depth? Here's how to find out.

Solo Certification: It's Time

Will "Solo Diver" be the new C-card you flash on your next dive trip?

Scuba 911

If something went wrong on your next dive, would you be the hero or the helpless bystander?

Are You Ready For Rebreathers?

Once the exclusive tool of military and tech divers, rebreathersare now within the reach of Joe Diver. Is this the future of diving?

Learning the Ropes

How trained tech divers use lines and reels to find their way into wrecks--and out of trouble.

24 Deep Diving Tips from the Pros

The risks of DCS, running low on air and nitrogen narcosis increase as you go deeper. That's why you need our plan.

10 Great Dives for Techies

Put those tech-diving skills to use on these amazing sites.