SeaLife’s compact, user-friendly camera is fully sealed and waterproof to 200 feet (60meters).
Lights Articles
Take advantage of your smartphone’s powerful imaging capabilities with this Bluetooth-enabled, vacuum-sealed housing when shooting underwater photos and videos down todepths of 130 feet (40 meters).
Get as close as 4 inches from your subject and get everything in frame with this ultra-wide-angle dome lens for SeaLife Micro-series camera and the ReefMaster RM-4K camera.
The Sea Dragon Mini 1300S offers an ultra-narrow8-degree beam for long-range viewingand a max output of 1,300 lumens, with two lower-level power setting and two emergencystrobe functions.
Compact and lightweight, this tiny dive light easily slips into a BC pocket.
Outputting a maximum of 1,500 lumens, with two additional power levels and twoemergency strobe functions, this dive torch is depth-rated to 330 feet/100 meters.
This super-bright high-end video light can provide a steady 120-degree, 15,000-lumen flood beam for up to 60 minutes, and can provide a 18,000-lumen burst for still photography.
Capable of outputting a wide 100-degree, 6,000-lumen beam, this powerful remote-control-capable video light can also flash an 8,000-lumen burst when shooting still photography with a fiber optic cable.
This compact, affordable underwater photo/video light is packed with features including a bright 1,500-lumen flood beam and 800-lumen spotlight.