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Lessons for Life Author Releases New Book: "Return to Cayman"

By Eric Douglas | Published On April 16, 2015
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Lessons for Life Author Releases New Book: "Return to Cayman"

It’s time to Return to Cayman. Even if you've never been there!

For the 10th anniversary of my first novel, Cayman Cowboys, Mike Scott is going to Return to Cayman — and so can you! The first week of June, I’m going to Sunset House and going diving and we're going to sign some books in My Bar as well. One hundred percent of the proceeds from the books that I sign on the island will be donated to the Cayman Magic Reef Restoration project. I’m also planning to donate a portion of online sales for each book sold through the end of July. So, if you can’t make it, you can still get a fun read and help support the reef restoration project at the same time.

In case you don’t know, on August 27, 2014, the cruise ship Carnival Magic dropped its anchor in a restricted area near Don Foster’s dive shop. The grounding tore up more than 12,000 square feet of coral reef.

Volunteer divers from dive operations all over the island are coming together to clean up the reef and reattach surviving coral. Divers have worked to clear off the torn up coral, salvaging the still-living pieces and moving them to an underwater nursery to keep it growing until the site can be cleaned and repaired. Once everything is ready, the volunteer divers will reattach the coral to the reef using a specially-developed marine epoxy. In spite of the volunteer labor, the repair bill will likely run into the millions of dollars. They need money for equipment and supplies for the reef restoration.

For more details about the book, go to

Read this article from Scuba Diving Magazine.

If you’re interested in going diving that week, come on down. Contact Sunset House and tell them you are coming down for the Return to Cayman release party. The book will be available soon, so stay tuned!

You can find out more information about Sunset House on their website.

On a mostly unrelated note, the Kindle version of the third Mike Scott novel, Guardians’ Keep, is on sale for just $.99! Get it while it’s hot. (There might just be a tie-in to Return to Cayman as well, but you didn’t hear that from me…)

Return to Cayman: Paradise Held Hostage

Courtesy Eric Douglas

It’s time to Return to Cayman. Even if you've never been there!

For the 10th anniversary of my first novel, Cayman Cowboys, Mike Scott is going to Return to Cayman — and so can you! The first week of June, I’m going to Sunset House and going diving and we're going to sign some books in My Bar as well. One hundred percent of the proceeds from the books that I sign on the island will be donated to the Cayman Magic Reef Restoration project. I’m also planning to donate a portion of online sales for each book sold through the end of July. So, if you can’t make it, you can still get a fun read and help support the reef restoration project at the same time.

In case you don’t know, on August 27, 2014, the cruise ship Carnival Magic dropped its anchor in a restricted area near Don Foster’s dive shop. The grounding tore up more than 12,000 square feet of coral reef.

Volunteer divers from dive operations all over the island are coming together to clean up the reef and reattach surviving coral. Divers have worked to clear off the torn up coral, salvaging the still-living pieces and moving them to an underwater nursery to keep it growing until the site can be cleaned and repaired. Once everything is ready, the volunteer divers will reattach the coral to the reef using a specially-developed marine epoxy. In spite of the volunteer labor, the repair bill will likely run into the millions of dollars. They need money for equipment and supplies for the reef restoration.

For more details about the book, go to

Read this article from Scuba Diving Magazine.

If you’re interested in going diving that week, come on down. Contact Sunset House and tell them you are coming down for the Return to Cayman release party. The book will be available soon, so stay tuned!

You can find out more information about Sunset House on their website.

On a mostly unrelated note, the Kindle version of the third Mike Scott novel, Guardians’ Keep, is on sale for just $.99! Get it while it’s hot. (There might just be a tie-in to Return to Cayman as well, but you didn’t hear that from me…)