Why divers should think twice about disturbing remains when they come across them at war wrecks.
Two distracted scuba divers learn an important safety lesson in this edition of Lessons for Life.
Sharpen your coral-ID skills with these expert tips on how to identify mountainous star coral, or Orbicella Faveolata.
Scuba diving safety lessons for scuba equipment malfunctions and how to deal with equipment issues while scuba diving.
From the preserved shipwrecks of the Great Lakes to the critter-filled currents of British Columbia, the kelp forests of California, the wreck graveyards of Scotland’s Scapa Flow and the icebergs of Antarctica, some of the coldest aquatic environments on the planet harbor some of the most amazing sights you’ll ever experience.
One scuba diver recounts her experience of what it's like to be bitten by a moray eel.
A new nudibranch and sea slug identification guide is released by New World Publications.
How to use pre-dive checklists to improve scuba diving safety and more.
Sharpen your coral identification skills with these tips on how to identify rose coral.